UBIK (1998)
Omslag Allmänt
Plattform: Windows 95, 98
Genre: Action; Adventure; Strategy
Utgivare: Cryo Interactive Entertainment
Utvecklare: Cryo Interactive Entertainment
Språk: English
Utgiven: 1998
Index: 126
Media: CD-Rom
Antal: 3

Based on the novel UBIK from Philip K. Dick you are playing the main character from the book, called Joe Chip. You are working for a company called Runciter Associates in Los Angeles (in the year 2019) and your job is to protect companies against industrial spying from other companies. With genetic engineering and the development of replicants both sides have PSI-powers at hand to reach their targets.

In the game you lead, train and equip a squad of selected individuals (with various abilities; be it several kinds of weapon skills or PSI) through 3D-realtime rendered maps (UBIK may have been the first RTSG using a 3D engine) where you sometimes can interact with your enviroment or even talk to some individuals.

Connecting those missions are many (rather well-done) rendered cinematic cut-scenes (the game ships on 3 CDs). Like in the excellent book the game's storyline is quite complex and intruiging.